Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Problem with Having Fun Family Weekends

Last weekend we had a great time together. The kids were well behaved and we all just enjoyed playing together and being in each other’s company. Due to inclement weather, my company opened two hours later than usual. We had a good morning getting ready at a much less frenzied pace. Danny put a new copy of Raffi in the DVD player and the girls, especially Allison, were singing away to “The More We Get Together” and “Sing When the Spirit Says Sing.” It was so endearing to sit and listen as I drove to work. Where’s the problem in that? We hadn’t reached sight of the daycare building yet.

As soon as Ally saw her daycare building, she started to cry. Emma decided to stay in the car to wait for me, which I normally prefer because I can get in and out more quickly. Monday morning that was not such a good thing. As soon as Ally realized that Emma was staying in the car, the tears started to roll down her cheeks. “My Emma!” she cried all the way to her room. It broke my heart. I wiped and kissed away her tears for a few minutes once we got to Misty’s room. Usually as soon as Misty motions for her, Allison goes immediately without incident. That morning I had to hand her over and it killed me. Shouldn’t I be used to these things by now?

Although it’s gotten better as the week has gone on, it was another tough morning this morning. The only difference I can think of is that we had a fun time last night at McDonalds Playland. It seems that enjoying my children comes at a cost these days.

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