With both girls being a little older this year, I was looking forward to a fun jaunt around the immediate neighborhood Halloween night. I heard Emma say “Trick or Treat!” and I saw visions of both girls standing on porches with their arms outstretched, waiting for their treat. I was snapping cute pictures the entire time. We had a practice run while Grandma and Grandpa were in town last week. These pictures tickled me and really had me looking forward to Halloween night.

Reality was slightly different.
The plan was that I would walk the girls around while Danny passed out treats. The girls were very cooperative eating and getting dressed. Emma loves her princess costume and was excited about it. I was in the garage getting the stroller for Allison when our first trick or treater came up the drive way. I told the child to come back on by in a few minutes when Danny was at the door. I didn’t pay any attention to the fact that this little boy had his dog with him… Meanwhile, Danny was trying to get Emma down the stairs. She happened to look out the window and saw the dog. That was the beginning of the end. From that time on, she clung to Danny like an octopus using every last suction cup on all of her tentacles. It mattered not that the dog was never to be seen again. So much for Danny passing out candy while the girls trick or treated.
At each house, the girls fought the idea of us putting them down to get their treats. Emma never did say “Trick or Treat” and Allison had nowhere near the interest that Emma did when she was one. Allison, quite frankly, could have cared less about the entire enterprise. The trick was on me because I wanted to relive the fun I used to have trick or treating with my dad. I didn’t take into account that my memories don’t really start until sometime around kindergarten. I do have vague memories of Dad driving me around in my Raggedy Ann costume when we lived in Sparta. I’m sure that Halloween experience left him wanting, too.
Still, I ended up getting a much different treat. The girls, however clingy and uncooperative, were adorable in their costumes and the neighbors ate them up. Although those visions I had leading up to Halloween were (hopefully!) of Halloweens to come, I was as proud as a peacock showing them off to the neighbors Monday night. It doesn’t get much better than that!
Please note, Dear Reader, that the above pictures were taken during a dry run while Grandma and Grandpa were in town. They did great! :) I'll post pictures of the actual event soon.
1 comment:
Emma and Allison's cousin Sophia was equally uncooperative this Halloween. She hated being zipped into her ladybug costume and puked on the neighbor when she came to see her. The rainy weather prevented us from going anywhere on our first Halloween. Someday we'll have better Halloweens with our kids! And at least the "dry run" pictures turned out adorable! I love my nieces!!
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